Sunday, 12 July 2009

Avrocar (UK) -- early singles

Avrocar are a band from Birmingham (UK) who fuse Post-Rock, Psychedelia, Krautrock and Electronica into a sublime and dreamy whole. Eternal washes of guitar texture enhance minimalistic beats and rhythms, with soft murmured vocals.

I also have their debut CD "Cinematography", which I may post once I've established whether or not it is still available to buy.

Info (MySpace)

All tracks now in one RAR file, link at bottom of post.

Avrocar -- "Screen" 7" (1997)

1. Screen
2. Ueno

3. Screen (CD rip)

Track 3 is the CD rip of "Screen" from the "Tell-Tale Signs Of Earworm" compilation.

Avrocar -- "Hold" 7" (1998)

1. Hold
2. Barnard's Star

Avrocar -- "Farwest Rider" 7" (1998)

1. Farwest Rider
2. Angel's Amongst Us
3. Christina's World

Avrocar -- "Tetra"

1. Tetra

This is a track from the "Tell-Tale Signs Of Earworm" which was also released on "An Earworm Evening" 7"

Avrocar -- Split w/ Magnétophone (1999)

1. Coil

This is just the mp3, the cover scans are in the Magnétophone half of the split (see the Magnétophone post).

All the above singles are now in one RAR file:


Anonymous said...

Hi! Are you still looking for Atavistic's From Within demo? I can mail a copy to you if you are. Just email me:

Anonymous said...

good quality posts thank you - please could you re-convert the tracks 'angels amongst us' and 'christinas world' from the 'Farwest Rider single, as both b-side tracks are at the wrong speed, you have made them too fast :) cheers

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know I am 12 years too late, but I am still looking for the early work from this great band. Do you still have that RAR file laying around? I would love to get hold of it.. If you do, please contact me on hans.skaaland (at)